Ecology, Economy, and Returning Home.

Our Household aims to reconnect the separation between economy and ecology through story, philosophy, and sound. More often Ecology evokes thoughts of flora and fauna, research developed deep in the woods, often separating humans from the dynamic. Economy on the other hand tends to evoke thoughts of money, industry, and job creation. The interwoven etymologies of the two words have the ability to teach us ways in which to have a healthy economy, observing the cycles that take place in our home and interacting appropriately.

Eco, oikos, household -nomy, management -logy, study of

Stemming from the foregoing etymology, Ecology means the Study of the Household and Economy: the Management of the Household. Ecology and Economy are directly linked with one another. They are rooted in Home. A Home full of diversity, complexity, and connection.

Our Household shares stories of Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Ether

shaping our home and our relationships within.