William Padilla-Brown - Pushing Into the Unknown

I began interviewing people for this project around 2 years ago. When I sat down with William, I told him that it might take some time for me to actually release it. He responded by saying something along the lines of, “It doesn’t matter when it gets released. Time is irrelevant. It might take a few weeks, it might take a few years. It will happen when it happens.”

Here we are years later. Though I had a different plan for the creative direction of this podcast, I decided to not wait another few years to release the recorded content I have. Progress over perfection. Let’s grow!

To learn more about William and support his work be sure to follow him on Instagram at the following: @mycosymbiotics @mycosymbiote @mycofest @itscosmicmusic. You can buy mushroom cultures, concentrates and tinctures from his company, MycoSymbiotics, at www.mycoshop.net.

Music by Estevan Medina and It’s Cosmic.